The 5 Best Roof Material Brands

The roof of your home is one of its most important components. It keeps everyone and everything inside the home protected from the elements and extreme weather conditions. It can be the crowning glory of and add aesthetic to a home. This is why choosing the right roofing material is crucial.


Whether you are building a new home or renovating your roof on your existing structure, it’s important to choose a material that is both incredibly strong and that will also look great on top of your house. It’s key to choose a material with beauty and durability, all rolled into one. A good option that will help you hit both birds with one stone are asphalt shingles. In this article, you will learn why this type of roofing material is a good choice. You’ll also learn about the different kinds of asphalt shingles available.


The Best Roof Shingles for Your Home

Asphalt shingles are made up of a variety of raw materials that give them their durability and color. There may be subtle differences between varying brands of shingles, but if they are maintained and cared for well, whichever brand you choose may last for up to 50 years. Roofing contractors in Indianapolis can help you get to the bottom of which type of shingles to use on your home’s roof. 


Top Asphalt Shingle Brands on the Market


1. IKO

IKO brand shingles will give your home a high-end and upscale look. They will also give it the protection that it needs from extreme weather conditions. The downside to using this brand is that there are limited colors to choose from.


2. Owens Corning

This brand will offer great protection to your roof and there are a wider range of colors to choose from. However, the cons to choosing Owens Corning brand shingles are that some of their variants may be expensive to install and some other variants may not offer enough protection in extreme conditions.


3. GAF

GAF offers more affordable shingles that will do what they are supposed to do when it comes to protecting your home. These shingles are both durable and more cost-conscious. However, there have been complaints about warranty hassles by customers in the past. 


4. Certain Teed

These shingles are exceptionally durable and are highly recommended if you will be living in your home for a long time. The only downside to this brand is that there have been some complaints in relation to warranty hassles.


5. PABCO Roofing

This is another brand that offers great prices for high-quality roofing materials. Many satisfied customers have also commented that PABCO brand shingles add an extra layer of curb appeal to their home. However, the only con that most lament about is that these shingles need to be maintained quite a bit to continue to look great. 



This list is not all-inclusive of all the asphalt shingle brands available, but it includes five of the best and most durable brands that you can buy. At the end of the day, choosing the best asphalt shingles for your home build will depend on your specific needs, budget, and the climate in which you live. If you are confused about which type of brand of asphalt shingles to use for your roofing, work with a reliable roofing contractor that offers roof replacement and repair services in Indianapolis. 

If you are in need of roofing services in Indianapolis, contact Pro-Quality Contractors! We make it a key point to provide exceptional residential roofing, siding, gutter, painting, and power washing services in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. Get a free estimate by calling us today!

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